Best of referees
Or how to avoid temptations as a young scientist...

Just like everydody in the scientific community, during my work I have applied for financial support many times. This is the game when you submitt a project proposal, and within a year or so get back an evaluation from somebody, who is thought to be an expert of the subject by somebody else, but you, the applicant will never know, who these clever people are.
The other source of fun is certainly the peer review of papers, when anonym referees are making efforts to tell something clever about your work - or at least correct your broken English.
On this page I have collected the most entertaining opinions about my work for the pleasure of the kind reader.
Thank you, guys!
The scientific point of view...
"The goals of the applicant may be interesting for both the Hungarian and the international scientific communities, because computer simulation can serve as a completely new way of thinking in the investigation of the Liesegang phenomenon. At the same time from scientific point of view one can hardly imagine, that the applicant will be able to construct the general mechanism of this phenomenon and account for all the morphological and kinetical anomalies as he states in his application."
Surely, you are joking Mr. Büki...
"The application is comprehensive and logically built, the goals are clear. Apart from the construction of the general theory of the Liesegang phenomenon most of the goals can be achieved in my opinion. The applicant seems to be a little bit too ambitious: construction of this model is an unsolved scientific problem more than a century ago. The proposed budget is acceptable without any change, however I think it to be rather modest."
"There are several good ways to protect ourselves against temptations
but the most effective one is cowardice."
(Mark Twain)
Waiting for a renaissance...
"I personally think that investigation of the mechanism of Liesegang patterning is a very interesting and exciting scientific project. Althoug this subject does not belong to the most preferred areas of todays science it is not impossible that we will see its renaissance soon. Computer simulation seems to be an ideal scientific tool on this field. Although one can hardly imagine that we can get detailed answers for the questions that are unanswered more than a century ago I think the goals of the applicant are mainly realistic."
The well understood unsolvable problem - or what...
"The proposed program does not belong to the preferred directions of todays science . Liesegang patterning is a well understood phenomenon. One can hardly imagine that the applicant will be able to solve the scientific problems he mentioned."
The case of the blind filmcritic...
"Let me start with the remark that litareture search should be done by the author, not by the referee.
I was puzzled by the antiquity of the references.
As I know more about pattern formation in general, and less about chemical systems, I started with a web search on Liesegang rings. It gave 399 hits.
Furthermore I found that a number of authors from the pattern formation community recently have been working on Liesegang rings.
Furthermore many problems of Liesegang rings that here are claimed to be open and unsolved, actually have been considered
in recent years in the papers above, or their citation trees.
In conlcusion, I believe that the paper is disconnected from the present state of physics literature, contributes no verifiable new statements and should not be published."
"The more epoch-making your idea is, the more stupid people you will have to convince about your truth." (Unknown)