Our Books (Hungarian, German, Serbian)

These books were state-approved textbooks for the Hungarian secondary schools.
The number of copies sold ranged from a few tens of thousands to a few hundred thousand. Following the introduction of the state monopoly on the textbook market, all but one of them became out of print.

Büki András: UNIX/Linux héjprogramozás

Shell programming for university students of informatics

Négyjegyű függvénytáblázatok

Tables and formulas of mathematics, physics and chemistry for secondary schools (chemistry part)

Dr. Büki András, Oláh Zsuzsa: Kémia 9.

Chemistry textbook for secondary schools - general and inorganinc chemistry

Dr. Büki András, Oláh Zsuzsa: Kémia 10.

Chemistry textbook for secondary schools - organic chemistry

Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia 10.

Biology texbook for secondary schools (second revised edition)

Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia 11.

Biology texbook for secondary schools (second revised edition)

Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia 12.

Biology texbook for secondary schools

Oláh Zsuzsa: Biologie 10.

Biology texbook for secondary schools - German edition

Oláh Zsuzsa: Biologie I. - Tiere und Pflanzen

Biology texbook for secondary schools - German edition

Oláh Zsuzsa: Biologie II. - Biochemie, Zytologie und der menschliche Organismus

Biology texbook for secondary schools - German edition

Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia I.

Biology texbook for secondary schools

Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia II.

Biology texbook for secondary schools

Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia III.

Biology texbook for secondary schools