Zsuzsa Oláh, teacher (biology-chemistry)
Personal backgroundI was born in Budapest. My parents worked as executive officers but now they are retired. I live with my husband. We do not have children. Qualifications
I have worked in a secondary school for ten yers. One of my pupils achieved the 7th, another one the 13th position on the national competiton of secondary schools on biology (OKTV).
I am the author of a text book series for secondary schools on biology (three tomes). Until now about 250 000 copies has been sold. The new, reworked version of this series has been registred by the Ministry of Education as an official textbook and is in use by secondary schools in Hungary.
The German translation of the tomes is in progress and translations for other languages are planned.
I am the co-author of a two volume textbook on chemistry for secondary schools. These are also registred by the Ministry of Education.
Social activities
I am the vice president of the Hungarian Society of Biology, and secretary of the Section of Education.
Books (in Hungarian)
Oláh Zsuzsa:
Biológia I. - növények és állatok Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia II. - biokémia, sejttan, az ember szervezete Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia III. - genetika, evolúció, ökológia, etológia Oláh Zsuzsa: Tanulási útmutató a Biológia I. tankönyvhöz Oláh Zsuzsa: Tanulási útmutató a Biológia II. tankönyvhöz |
Oláh Zsuzsa: Tanulási útmutató a Biológia III. tankönyvhöz Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia 10. Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia 11. Oláh Zsuzsa: Biológia 12. Dr. Büki András - Oláh Zsuzsa: Kémia 9. (kerettanterves tankönyv) Dr. Büki András - Oláh Zsuzsa: Kémia 10. (kerettanterves tankönyv) |